Diwali – Diyas & Lights.

As the winter fog envelopes our lives even before Diwali this year, may the lamps this festival bring clarity in thoughts, perception, ideas and life. A little poem dedicated to the festive spirit, read on and spread the joy.


The diwali diyas at Diwali Celebrations at Ban...

Her mind in dilemma, she encountered questions many,

Her heart in pain, she thought of answers many.

She looked outside the window,

And saw the city draped in lights.

Her heart lit up inside,

Her lips had a smile.

The lights pushed the pain away,

At least for the time being.

The bright made her pray and pray

For everybody’s well being.

The girl and I now, wish all

A happy Deepawali

May your life be illumined with joy, smiles and lights,

May your questions always find their answers,

And may you be as happy as CAN BE.

Warm Wishes this season,

Stuti (the Expression-ist)

(P.S. As the festive season sets in in India, and too much festivities to savour, readers can expect a little dwindle in the number of posts this week. Enjoy 🙂 )